The Biggest Turn-Off To Employers…And How To Avoid It
Have you ever had the moment of committing to a project or a plan and immediately given yourself an out? Your thoughts go something like, "Worst case, I can always say ... if I'm not actually able to do this". We rely on excuses for everything. Why do we do this? It...
A/V Industry: 6 Ways To Make Your Job Search Simpler
Looking for a job can be an extremely stressful feat. Often times, a recruiter can significantly lighten that load and help put you on the path to your new career. Maybe you haven't thought of using a recruiter before...but here are a few reasons why you should. Time...
Are You Ready For A Career Change?
There comes a point in almost every individual's life where you realize: I need a change. You tend to get in your own routine, doing the same things day in and day out and all of the sudden, you realize you don't get any fulfillment from your job. If you've reached...
You Hired The Perfect Employee…Now What?
Your long-standing open position has finally been filled. The employee is a perfect fit for your team. You breathe a sigh of relief. Whether you just hired a new Lead Technician, Project Manager or Salesperson, you feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders and you...
Finding Your Next Great Employee
What does a successful business have in common with a championship sports team? How do they both achieve such noteworthy results? Championship sports teams are almost always a combination of star and role players who not only fit the team’s style of play but also have...
Why Managing Your Stress Should Be At The Top Of Your To-Do List
We live and work in a world where stress seems unavoidable. In fact, it seems directly related to success. In other words, if you're NOT're not doing enough. While stress will inevitably play a role in your life, it is critical to understand the weight...
How Much Are Your Employees Costing You?
Today's unemployment rates are at a record low. Great news, right? While it might be exciting to the general public, it doesn't always feel that way to employers. Low unemployment rates translate to less eligible employees looking for a job. Of course, they are out...
How To Build Your Ideal Team
Interviewing, while often dreaded, is such a critical process. First, it is the first real impression a potential candidate has of your company. It reflects the company's level of preparedness, organization, and professionalism. It is also the process that decides who...
Top 3 Ways to Jumpstart Your Career
1. Fine-tune your attitude. First impressions, while you may not always feel represent you well, are still looked to by employers for a significant portion of conclusions drawn about you. The only reason this should scare you is if your first impression differs...
The Role of Respect in the Workplace
Respect is powerful. Knowing you're respected by your employer, employees or co-workers likely empowers you, affects your work ethic, and is critical to staying driven and inspired by your position. Respect is kind of a funny thing. We all expect it, but yet we can be...